If I could portray what I see when I look at this creature, the monster represented in this painting nearly does justice to its hideous nature — in particular the two-faced aspect — for the creature of which I speak does indeed share this same attribute, and this depiction is accurate considering the shit that comes out of its mouth(s).
The characteristics of this evil beast: psychotic, melodramatic, drug-addled, pathological liar, manipulative, martyr complex, vindictive, malicious, passive-aggressive and childish.
There are many names one could give to such a creature; indeed it is difficult to determine which fits best. Options include devil, drama queen, life ruiner or psycho bitch, but perhaps the most fitting name is psychic vampire.
A few minutes alone with such a creature is enough to leave psychically sensitive people such as myself feeling drained or even nauseated. In the case of this particular dangerous individual, the psychosis, pathological lying and other drug-induced delusions seem to prevent the creature from recognizing its true nature, having convinced itself that it is an innocent victim, and that its malevolent behavior is somehow clever or justified. This beast feeds on drama and is a walking field of negative energy. When there is no drama to be had or an event to further its ceaseless quest for sympathy and martyrdom, it ingests alcohol, prescription painkillers and anti-depressants (how ironic) and even illegal substances in order to invent drama — complete with carefully crafted lies. It then feeds the lies to acquaintances (who are never present when the created drama is purported to have occurred) in order to garner much-needed sympathy and fuel its twisted sense of righteousness. I use the word "acquaintances" because such a creature can have no friends except its own kind, for anyone getting too close to the truth would see the creature for what it is, quickly recognize the monster in disguise, and run the fuck away.
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